New World Order it is real!

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New World Order it is real!

Postby Blastwave » Thu Apr 14, 2011 8:31 pm

Check out this movie on Youtube called Invisible Empire it explains the New World Order in great detail.
It's a long video but a must see. This will change our government, the worlds government.
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Re: New World Order is it real!

Postby Blastwave » Thu Apr 14, 2011 9:13 pm

Its 100% real! Would You believe that the world is being controlled by a small group of elite people. I have advance knowledge of some of the things that are going to happen. Like gas is going to $200 dollars per barrel, the US dollar is going to collapse, Silver is going to $150 Per oz, Gold is going to $3000 per oz.
This is all going to happen between now and the end of 2012.
In fact it it has already begone, gas tomorrow you will pay $1.32 per litre, Silver is at $42.30 per oz. Gold is at $1493 per oz.
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Re: New World Order is it real!

Postby Blastwave » Thu Apr 14, 2011 9:33 pm

The things that are happening in the Middle East has been planned in advance the next 4 Country's to fall are in this order #1 Yemen #2 Syria #3 Bahrain #4 Saudi Arabia. This is being done to shut off the flow of oil to us so the price will go so high that it is going to cause a major depression. All of our businesses will go bankrupt and the elite (New World Order) will buy up everything for Penny's on the dollar. This is how they are going to take control of us, we will be hurting so bad from being poor that we will beg for there New World. I know that this sounds imposable and very extreme but It is true I have been following the news and there are all kinds of signs of this. More to come!
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Re: New World Order is it real!

Postby London-Dad » Thu Apr 14, 2011 9:40 pm

Wow, I watched that video for half hour now and it's impelling. I made this a sticky to keep track on what's going on. Gas a $1.32 a liter tomorrow? Lets see...
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Re: New World Order is it real!

Postby Blastwave » Sat Apr 16, 2011 10:42 am

Here is another very intersting flic it' s on the Bilderberg Group and what is comming down the road for us. Login or Register for the link
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Re: New World Order is it real!

Postby Blastwave » Sat Apr 16, 2011 10:51 am

If you would like more information on this topic go to this website.
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Re: New World Order is it real!

Postby Blastwave » Sat Apr 16, 2011 11:26 am

John F Kennedy trying to warn us about the New World Order
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We believe this is what got him assassinated!!!!
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Re: New World Order is it real!

Postby Blastwave » Tue May 10, 2011 5:04 pm

Every thing you are being told about Osama Bin Laden is not true he died shortly after 911 that is why the White House cannot keep there story straight, it all seems very fishy one day it happened like this then the next day its a whole different story. Its designed to confuse us, its part of The New World Orders plan! Now the US has a reason to start a fight with Pakistan and further destabilize the Middle East. The problem with this is once it happens it will drag China in and possibly start WW 3, and this is what they want to do. Just wait and you will see that I was right. Also when they killed Osama the opened Pandora's box on terrorism, this will take more of our freedoms away because they will do more TSA security searches its coming to our malls bus stations shopping centers train stations.
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Re: New World Order it is real!

Postby Blastwave » Fri May 13, 2011 7:45 pm

Next on The New World Orders list the great USA commercial realistate collapse, if you thought the 2008/2009 home realistate collapse was bad you haven't seen anything yet. Remember I told everybody I have advance knowlege of these events, just you wait and see!! Its going to blow your mind.
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Re: New World Order it is real!

Postby Blastwave » Fri May 13, 2011 7:54 pm

The reason The New World Order wants WW3 is so they can prophet from it big time, you see they will fund both sides of the war and play everyone aginst each other. They own the major arms companys and all of the war supply companys, are you seeing the picture yet!
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Re: New World Order it is real!

Postby Blastwave » Sat Jun 04, 2011 12:44 pm

Bilderberg 2011: All aboard the Bilderbus
As the Bilderberg conference heads towards Switzerland there's still time to book your seat on a minibus to St Moritz


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St Moritz: Preparing to host Bilderberg. Photograph: Tom Jenkins for the Guardian
As Europe groans, and austerity bites, as defaulting looms, and once proud nations fall to their knees in debt, there's only one annual conference of bankers and industrialists that can step in and save us all…


Next week, in Switzerland, Henry Kissinger and his brave band of corporate CEOs, high-wealth individuals and heavyweight thinktankers will lock arms with Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands and David Rockefeller, and stand their ground against the economic contagion.

The last thing a bunch of bank bosses and multinational executives wants is for the nation-states of Europe to collapse, allowing their assets to be bought up on the cheap. Right?

Besides, if anyone can lay claim to fathering the EU, it's Bilderberg. Sixty years ago, Europe was a mere Bilderbaby, conceived in a solemn ceremony on Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands' mattress. It grew into a fine young Bilderboy, but the years have caught up with it, and now it seems its knees are creaking and its heart is weak.

Perhaps the clear mountain air of St Moritz will prove just the tonic. The Bilderberg Group is gathering there between 9-12 June, at the Hotel Suvretta House, described on its website thus: "Like a beautiful fairytale castle, our hotel is embedded in the fantastic alpine landscape of the Upper Engadine." No mention of the magical rooftop snipers or the fairytale ring of armed riot police, but maybe they'll be updating their website in time for the conference.

Josef Ackerman, CEO of Deutsche Bank, practises his backflips.
The hotel promises that the Privatsphäre of the guests will be utterly respektiert, which goes for the conference, as well: the press will be lucky to get a whiff of Kissinger's toast in the morning. It's a shame the attendees are still so phobic of attention, seeing as how this year there's shaping up to be more press interest than ever. People and the media have finally started noticing this quiet little conference at the centre of the storm. The last two countries to play host to the meeting were Greece and Spain, both of whom waved goodbye to Bilderberg and said hello to austerity and unrest. Happy Christmas, Switzerland.

This year, a bunch of less-than-happy Brits are heading out to St Moritz by minibus, to voice their concern at the policies being thrashed out at the conference. They've dubbed their fifteen-seater the Bilderbus, and it leaves Nottingham on Tuesday after work. There are still ten seats to fill: it's £95 return, and camping's cheap when you get there. And I can't stress this enough: it really is a sight to behold. (The conference, not the minibus).

There are two seats free on the bus, since Dominique Strauss-Kahn and Ken Clarke have both been forced to cancel. Which is good news for the chamber maids at the Suvretta House (because Ken is so very untidy – cigar stubs and Ornette Coleman CDs everywhere …)

The Bilderbus awaits you. Fully taxed and insured. Photograph: Charlie Skelton
If you'd like to book a place on the minibus, you can email the organisers at this address: And if you're interested to see what crops up on the official Bilderberg agenda, then keep an eye on their website. Jockeying for position are the crisis in the eurozone, the Arab Spring, the Fukushima fallout (with Germany backing away from nuclear), and of course, what to do about the internet. That old chestnut.
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